Saturday, 2 January 2010

The Last Ten Years = Slightly Blurry

Morning one & all!

I see you've stumbled across my little corner of this expansive monster that is the internet - no doubt it will get lost amongst all the music and porn and only get read by one person, once a month. I used to blog, about 7 years ago, but stopped thanks to things going slightly off-kilter in life.

But now I'm back, to spew my ramblings - from poetic to vitriolic to nonsensical and downright fucking retarded!

For those that don't know me, my name's Johnny, and I live in a horrible little corner of the south of England called Aldershot. I didn't grow up here, and I'm not sure how I ended up here... all I know is that this is home now and life ticks on.

There are few things important in my life, as my life is pretty unimportant, but some things are what keep me motivated to push on and knuckle down. These things are as follows:

My girlfriend Ella. She's managed to endure me for 4 1/2 years without slitting my throat no matter what stupidity I bestow upon her vicinity, so this makes her more than okay in my book :)

Cedric 'Chief'. Our first cat together, my best mate and personal alarm clock.

Spencer 'Captain'. Cat number 2, and a complete fucking weirdo. Good for a cuddle though.

Siouxsie, the new arrival. She a fucking psycho, that's all I'll say.

Also, there's Ian, Max and Jim, my 3 weasels - AKA 'The Bastard Squad'

I have a fair few hobbies, some of which I'll be blogging the progression of over time, but I can't be bothered to make this blog bigger. This is me.

Laters you cunts!

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